Hi All,
Suppose I have implemented two web service /ws/author/${authorId} (return a User object) and /ws/books-of-books/${authorId} (return a list of books). I also have a jsp file ..../author.jsp?authorId=xxxxx.
In my jsp file, I would like to do sth like
var author = <% request.getRequestDispatcher("/ws/author/" + request.getParameter("authorId")).include(request, response);%>
var books = <% request.getRequestDispatcher("/ws/books-of-author/" + request.getParameter("authorId")).include(request, response);%>
// some jquery scripts which use author and books variables.
In my test code, if I run curl "", I got the json output correctly.
my test index.jsp is
docs = <% request.getRequestDispatcher("/ws/document").include(request, response);%>
The output of my index.jsp is below. The json is not printed as expected.
<script type="text/javascript">
docs =
The reason why I include web service in JSP is because I would like to get multiple jsons and from web service.
Thanks a lot,