Thank you, Marek. It works.
On Friday, September 19, 2014 10:30 AM, Marek Potociar <> wrote:
You should be able to just inject the HttpServletRequest/Response directly. There's no need to use ThreadLocal, the proxy will be created automatically by Jersey/HK2.
On 19 Sep 2014, at 18:48, Kevin Zhang <> wrote:
>I'm farmiliar with Jersey 1. I'm now switching to Jersey 2 and got some problem with my implementation of MessageBodyWriter.
>I used code below to access the HttpServletRequest and HttpServletResponse
> @Context
> private ThreadLocal<HttpServletRequest> requesThreadLocal;
> @Context
> private ThreadLocal<HttpServletResponse> responseThreadLocal;
>It worked before with Jersey 1 but now I got NullPointerException.
>Specifically, I need to access the HttpServletRequest so that I can call the setAttribute and put beans in the HttpServletRequest object. The beans later will be used by JSP pages. Is there any other alternative?
>Your valuable input is hightly appreciated.