Hi, Guys,
i am using Jersey 1.8 to call a REST api,
I am using a static client and web resource:
private static Client optimizorClient;
private static WebResource optimizorWebResource;
static {
Connfig = new DefaultClientConfig();
// TODO when ever I set these, I always receive time out exception
// values are in milliseconds
// clientConfig.getProperties().put(ClientConfig.PROPERTY_READ_TIMEOUT,
// 2000);
// clientConfig.getProperties().put(ClientConfig.PROPERTY_CONNECT_TIMEOUT,
// 2000);
optimizorClient = Client.create(clientConfig);
optimizorWebResource = optimizorClient
and the code of calling the web service:
ClientResponse response = optimizorWebResource.type(
"application/json").post(ClientResponse.class, json);
if (response.getStatus() != 200) {
logger.error("Failed : HTTP error code : "
+ response.getStatus());
return false;
return true;
I have 200 threads querying the webservice. The thread pooling seems to
have nothing to do with the connections established to the webservice: I
can still see as many as 1k connection established, and I eventually
receive NoRouteToHostException exception.
Looking through the code ,it seems that an connection is established
whenever there is a request. So my understanding is that
200); only limits how many threads can serve all the requests. If they can
serve 1000 request at the same time, then i will still have 1000
connections. Is that right?
If so, how can i solve the NoRouteToHostException in this case? Limit the
number of threads might help, but I would like to see whether Jersey has
internal request cache/pooling to solve this issue.