[Jersey] (De)Serializing Custom MIME types

From: Eric Stein <>
Date: Fri, 27 Jun 2014 19:24:11 +0000

I read in an old thread that support for custom MIME types should work out of the box:

    Anything "+json" should work out of the box

                - Martin Maula-3


but that hasn't been my experience. I have a resource

    public Response createSecuredQuery(

            @ApiParam(required = true) final InitialQueryBean initialQuery) {

I have a simple bean:

@XmlRootElement(name = "InitialQuery")
public final class InitialQueryBean {

    public String getInitialQuery() { ...
    public void setInitialQuery(final String initialQuery) { ...

    public Set<String> getRestrictQueryToSites() {...
    public void setRestrictQueryToSites(final Set<String> restrictQueryToSites) { ...


and a simple test case:
    public void testCreateSecuredQuery() {

        final Response response =
                .post(Entity.entity(this.initialQueryBean, "application/vnd.locustec.eim.initial.query.v1+json"));

but I'm seeing


MessageBodyWriter not found for

media type=application/vnd.locustec.eim.initial.query.v1+json,



If I change everything to MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON, it my test runs just fine. So what am I doing wrong here? I'm running Jersey 2.4.