[Jersey] Re: Digest for list

From: Libor Kramolis <>
Date: Sun, 11 May 2014 14:06:05 +0200


You can look at user guide, you can focus on “Servlet-based Deployment” chapter.

And it is not good idea to inject Configuration into Application class that is responsible to initialize the Application and the Configuration is “config view” of already initialized application.


On 10 May 2014, at 16:24, Simon Roberts <> wrote:

> (Libor, I commented to this effect on your blog post)
> This looks interesting, but, through ignorance, I failed at the first hurdle... I don't know (and an hour of poking around hasn't enlightened me) how I set these properties/how I use a ResourceConfig. I think I might be able to make my Application class into a ResourceConfig, but I'd prefer to partition the Jersey specific parts more cleanly than that (as I deploy to other containers)
> Can anyone point me at a trivial example that shows how to push a ResourceConfig object "into" the Jersey system? Should it be pushed somewhere from code? Should it be mentioned in web.xml? Should it be injected? Perhaps something I haven't even thought of?
> I did try putting
> @Context Configuration conf;
> in my Application class, but it crashed it with CDI failures (NetBeans 8.0/ Jersey in Glassfish 4) so I assume that's not what I'm supposed to do.
> Thanks,
> Simon
> Hello Eric.
> No, it should be enough to set mentioned properties.
> -lk
> On 07 May 2014, at 15:32, Eric Stein <> wrote:
>> Libor,
>> Thanks for replying. I did actually find your blog post .. it was the link I provided in my first email. The post was very well done, and I tried to follow it. I somehow managed to get it working without the Debug feature set - I think maybe cleaning the project did it. I'm still not seeing the trace in the headers, though. Was there something else I needed to set besides those two properties (Tracing = ALL, Tracing_Threshold=VERBOSE)?
>> Eric
>> From: Libor Kramolis []
>> Sent: Tuesday, May 06, 2014 5:20 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: [Jersey] Re: Enable Tracing
>> Hello.
>> I have written blog post about configuring tracing support -
>> I expect ‘com.sun.jersey.config...’ properties are Jersey 1 specific. Do not you combine both Jersey versions? You can be inspired by unit tests:
>> -lk
>> On 06 May 2014, at 20:32, Eric Stein <> wrote:
>> It looks like if I set the VM property
>> -Dcom.sun.jersey.config.feature.Debug=true
>> I get the log messages in the log file, but still not in the headers. Is there any way to set the Debug feature to true within the scope of the ResourceConfig?
>> From: Eric Stein
>> Sent: Tuesday, May 06, 2014 2:09 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Enable Tracing
>> I'm running Jersey 2.4 and trying to enable tracing. My ResourceConfig looks like:
>> public MyResourceConfig() {
>> super();
>> this.registerClasses(
>> JacksonFeature.class,
>> JsonFactoryResolver.class);
>> this.registerClasses(
>> QueryResource.class);
>> this.registerClasses(
>> RuntimeExceptionMapper.class);
>> this.registerClasses(
>> LoggingFilter.class);
>> final Map<String, Object> properties = new HashMap<String, Object>();
>> properties.put("com.sun.jersey.api.json.POJOMappingFeature", Boolean.TRUE);
>> properties.put("com.sun.jersey.config.feature.Debug", Boolean.TRUE);
>> properties.put(ServerProperties.TRACING, "ALL");
>> properties.put(ServerProperties.TRACING_THRESHOLD, "VERBOSE");
>> this.addProperties(properties);
>> }
>> My JerseyTest instance returns a MyResourceConfig instance from configure(). When I run my tests, though, I don't see any trace logged to my console and there's nothing in the headers: