[Jersey] Disable automatic registration of JAX-RS providers via META-INF/services mechanism

From: Michal Gajdos <>
Date: Mon, 28 Apr 2014 14:02:19 +0200


we'd like to disable automatic lookup and registration of JAX-RS
extension providers using META-INF/services mechanism in Jersey 2.x and
it's important for us to know your opinions about this before we
actually do it. Contracts that would be removed from the SPI discovery
by default include MessageBodyReader, MessageBodyWriter and ExceptionMapper.
Automatic registration via META-INF/services has been introduced in
Jersey 1.x to register default MBWs/MBRs required by JAX-RS spec and
we've migrated this mechanism into Jersey 2 to make these two versions
compatible in this regard. Jersey 2.x however takes a different approach
to register default providers required by JAX-RS. The reason for the
proposed removal is to make co-existence of Jersey 1 (Client) and Jersey
2 libraries on the same class-path possible without these interfering
with each other.
For backward compatibility, we plan to introduce a new module in Jersey
2.x which would enable automatic SPI registration of JAX-RS providers
via META-INF/services in case this module is present on an application
class-path. Additionally, for popular 3rd party libraries that rely on
the old discovery mechanism (currently we are only aware of Jackson 2)
we would introduce an integration module that would automatically
register the library providers into the client/server runtime when the
module is put on a class-path together with the 3rd party library.

Any comments are welcome.
