I only have a single ExceptionMapper registered, it implements ExceptionMapper<Throwable>. My test case throws a javax.validation.ConstraintViolationException via bean validation (JSR-349). I have tried ExceptionMapper<RuntimeException> and ExceptionMapper<Exception> in addition to ExceptionMapper<Throwable> and none of these 3 catch the ConstraintViolationException. However, if I change the exception mapper to implement ExceptionMapper<ConstraintViolationException> my code will run. Am I wrong in thinking that I should be able to register an exception mapper for Throwable, Exception, or RuntimeException and catching these bean validation exceptions?
BTW, if I throw an explicit RuntimeException from within my JAX-RS resource (@GET annotated method on a registered resource), the ExceptionMapper<RuntimeException> code runs just fine.
This appears to be a bug? What about other exceptions that transpire before the resource like ParamException and any subclasses thereof?
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