The only extra thing I do in Jersey 2.6 is add a feature like the code at
the bottom of this message. The feature just registers the exception
mappers. Jakub, can you tell me what disabling MOXY does? For example, why
was it so important to have in the 2.5x JacksonFeature but no longer
required in 2.6?
public final class MyJacksonFeature implements Feature {
public boolean configure( final FeatureContext context ) {
String postfix = '.' +
context.getConfiguration().getRuntimeType().name().toLowerCase(); CommonProperties.MOXY_JSON_FEATURE_DISABLE +
postfix, true );
context.register( JsonParseExceptionMapper.class );
context.register( JsonMappingExceptionMapper.class );
return true;
On Tue, Feb 25, 2014 at 1:21 AM, Jakub Podlesak
> Hi all,
> I think i need to clarify one thing. The reason, why Jackson provider
> failed to resolve the ObjectMapper instance was in fact a bug in Jersey,
> that prevented proper injection of providers registered via
> META-INF/services
> mechanism (see,
> The bug was fixed in 2.6, so no matter how you register Jacskon 2.x
> providers
> in an application built with Jersey 2.6+, things should work fine.
> Detailed info bellow inline...
> On 24 Feb 2014, at 20:59, wrote:
> Hopefully I'm not talking too much bull here. Let's try:
> For future reference to any hapless soul trying to meddle with Jersey's
> twisted magic:
> The center ingredient to customizing Jackson's ObjectMapper is to make
> Jersey use Jackson's own JAX-RS <-> Jackson MessageBodyReader and
> MessageBodyWriter instead of it's own.
> - Jackson's JAX-RS integration looks up the ObjectMapper instance from
> ContextResolvers.
> Correct, but not if you stick with Jersey 2.5 (and earlier) and register
> the Jackson providers via META-INF/services mechanism (i.e. you
> just introduce Jackson JAX-RS jar dependency in you project)
> - Jersey-provided Jackson integration doesn't, and instead instantiates
> it's own, leaving no room for customizing the ObjectMapper.
> That is not correct, the only difference is Jersey's Jackson feature
> allows registered Jackson 1.x provider to be properly injected.
> So that ObjectMapper customisation works just fine.
> If you think otherwise, please send me a reproducible test case or file a
> bug.
> Step 1. Implement ContextResolver<ObjectMapper> to provide your
> customized ObjectMapper instance and register it with Jersey.
> Right.
> Step 2. Register
> com.fasterxml.jackson.jaxrs.json.JacksonJaxbJsonProvider with Jersey.
> For Jersey 2.6+ this could be done simply by introducing the appropriate
> dependency to Jacskon JAX-RS jar.
> HTH,
> ~Jakub
> Step 3. Done.
> On 24.2.2014 19:16, Robert DiFalco wrote:
> I'm not really clear on the correct path to do this in 2.6. I had to
> go through a lot in 2.5x. Am I to understand that I know longer use
> JacksonFeature? That I only need to declare a ContextResolver for my
> ObjectMapper instance? If so this doesn't seem to be working for me.
> Maybe I need to register the my ContextResolver explicitly (not just
> annotated with Provider)? Or maybe I'm missing a dependency? I assumed
> I could now exclude media jackson json.
> The Jersey documentation is not up to date on this matter and still
> seems to be advising on the method used in 2.5 to configure Jackson 1.x.