[Jersey] All Url Routing breaks after upgrading Jersey from 2.4.1 to 2.5 running in embedded Jetty 9

From: Bill O'Neil <>
Date: Tue, 25 Feb 2014 08:04:04 -0500

I have been running Jersey 2.4.1 with embedded Jetty 9. Just the other day
I upgraded to Jersey 2.6 so I could use the custom object mapper for
jackson 2.x. After making this change all of my url routing has gone
haywire. Every single url responds as if it were the default path "/". I
have 10+ other routes defined and they all worked fine in 2.4.1. With no
code changes other than upgrading Jersey all of the routes now are
responded to by the default route.

I had a failed attempt at beginning to debug this. I honestly have no idea
where to start. I began testing the other versions and it turns out 2.5 is
the version that breaks my application.

Could anyone provide any assistance on how I could go about debugging this