Thank you Iaroslav, I will check out those lists.
On 10 February 2014 13:26, Iaroslav Savytskyi <
> wrote:
> Hi, Piers,
> This is expected behaviour. You have turn on validation to prevent such
> errors to appear. By default validation is turned off. And we are trying to
> process whatever data if this doesn't cause critical errors.
> Here is a link for eclipse-link (moxy) mailing lists:
> Users:
> Dev:
> Do not hesitate to ask there if you'll need more help with MOXy.
> --
> Best regards,
> Iaroslav
> On 10 Feb 2014, at 13:44, Piers Powlesland <>
> wrote:
> > Hi, I'm trying to use moxy to marshall/unmarshall pojo's between a
> jersey server and client, the problem is that the marshalling/unmarshalling
> seem to work without error when null fields are present in the pojo even
> though I have set @XmlElement(required=true, nillable=false) on the fields
> in question.
> >
> > Is this expected behaviour? To me it seems as if the moxy implementation
> is not respecting the JAXB annotations. I'm using Jersey version 2.3.1
> >
> > Thanks for any insight.
> >
> > Piers