Thanks man, I'd much rather NOT code it into my app. I'll take a look at
your blog and see if I can translate it to Jetty.
On Thu, Feb 6, 2014 at 2:04 PM, Joe Mocker <> wrote:
> Assuming you are using Tomcat, it can do a lot of this for you, so you
> don't have to muck with workarounds like this to do the right thing.
> I wrote an article about this some time ago, presenting different options
> and how use them. I'd suggest you take a look at them, rather than coding
> it all into your application, which will surely break at some point in the
> future when you're changing your architecture leaving you head scratching...
> Anyways take a look...
> --joe
> On Feb 6, 2014, at 11:29 AM, Robert DiFalco <>
> wrote:
> Alright, got it. For anyone else that ever needs to do this. The heroku
> router forwards requests to your server. If your client uses SSL it will be
> forwarded on to you as just HTTP. To create a proper SEE OTHER location
> with the correct scheme, you just need to do the following:
> String fowardedProto = headers.getHeaderString( "x-forwarded-proto" );
> String protocol = fowardedProto == null ? "http" : fowardedProto;
> URI seeOtherLocation = uriInfo.getAbsolutePathBuilder().scheme(
> protocol ).path( userId.toString() ).build();
> On Thu, Feb 6, 2014 at 11:12 AM, Robert DiFalco <>wrote:
>> Okay, I figured out how to get this from @Context HttpHeaders, what I
>> can't figure out is the simplest/cleanest way to replace HTTP with this
>> value (say HTTPS) in a path from UriInfo.getAbsolutePathBuilder. I would
>> like to do the equivalent of this:
>> String fowardedProto = headers.getHeaderString( "x-forwarded-proto" );
>> String protocol = fowardedProto == null ? "http" : fowardedProto;
>> URI seeOtherLocation = uriInfo.getAbsolutePathBuilder().protocol(
>> protocol ).path( userId.toString() ).build();
>> But of course there is no simple "protocol" method in UriBuilder. So
>> what's the best way?
>> On Thu, Feb 6, 2014 at 10:42 AM, Robert DiFalco <
>> > wrote:
>>> Hi, my server sits on heroku which uses an SSL Endpoint. It looks like
>>> heroku handles the SSL itself and sends the requests on to my server as
>>> HTTP.
>>> I need to create a 303 location that knows if the request was HTTP or
>>> HTTPS. To do this I need to look at the x-forwarded-proto.
>>> How can I get this from within a REST call (for example a GET)? I need
>>> to make sure the location I give to the client for the 303 is properly
>>> specified as HTTP or HTTPS based on this.
>>> Thanks!