[Jersey] Jersey with JAXBIntrospector

From: Lee Kenny <>
Date: Wed, 18 Dec 2013 10:15:35 +0000


In my class that I expose as a service, I have an attribute of generic type Object.

public class MyPOJO {
  private Object value;

When I am fetching my object via GET, the value is dynamically set. (Could be string, int, float, etc)

The XML response returns (In this case the value set is a String):

  xmlns:xs="" xsi:type="xs:string">My String Value

I prefer to get:

<value>My String Value</value>

So I read from the link below that we can use the JAXBIntrospector. But not sure how to use it with Jersey though.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best regards

Kenny Lee

Tel. +65 6571 2250