[Jersey] problem with spring 3.2.2 - cross project _at_Autowire'ing not apparently working

From: Jack Lista <>
Date: Mon, 16 Dec 2013 15:52:15 -0800


I am trying to research an issue, I have Spring Data JPA repository (DAO)
classes in another dependent maven project that get pulled in to my Jersey
2.4.1 project via @Autowire. They were being autowired just fine in Jersey
1.17, but when we switched to 2.4.1, all the autowire dependencies seem to
be failing. Can anyone tell me where I can get research this?

I saw this JIRA, and thought it might be related but I *think* I just built
against the 2.5-SNAPSHOT and I am still seeing problems:

It may be inept configuration on my part however. I am trying to use a
configuration approach similar to the helloworld-spring-webapp jersey
example but am having trouble getting @Autowire to succeed when referencing
a bean in another project which is listed as a dependency of my Jersey
project in my pom.xml
