[Jersey] Re: What is happen with JAX RS spec?

From: Marek Potociar <>
Date: Mon, 9 Dec 2013 17:20:14 +0100

We can try to be more active on the mailing lists. While I do not think that getting a response in a couple of days is a bad for a free open source project, we can certainly try to improve our response times.
As for prioritization, we went over that several times. I don't feel like starting the same discussion again here.


On 09 Dec 2013, at 16:35, cowwoc <> wrote:

> I don't doubt that the committers are hard at work (they are).
> We are just in disagreement over prioritization. The committers are under the impression that Jersey 2.x is usable in its current form so they are busy fixing bugs like memory leaks to make 2.x more stable. I tried to migrate my application from Jersey 1.x to version 2.x for over two weeks and failed to do so. As such, I consider 2.x not usable in its current form and argue that the top priority should be to migrate 1.x features to 2.x (above making 2.x more stable).
> As I mentioned in the previous post, major projects like Dropwizard are also finding it impossible to upgrade to 2.x due to critical features being missing.
> I also stand by the fact that mailing list posts used to get more attention in the past. The current turnaround time on the mailing list is counted in days instead of minutes or even hours, and some posts never get answered at all. All this to say that there is room for improvement with respect to community support.
> Gili
> On 09/12/2013 3:07 AM, Rafael Winterhalter wrote:
>> As far as I know, the Jersey 2.5 release is in this week. I guess the core people are busy with it. As of my experience, any ticket I opened in Jira and any pull request I put on GitHub was processed quite quickly compared to other projects.
>> Best, Rafael
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: cowwoc []
>> Sent: Friday, December 06, 2013 8:10 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: [Jersey] Re: What is happen with JAX RS spec?
>> I feel your pain. Somewhere between Marc Hadley and Paul Sandoz leaving this project, both the JAX-RS and Jersey 2.0 communities have become quite dysfunctional. About the only response you'll get on this list is "No. We're not dead!" and even then it'll only show up a few days after your post. Contrast this to projects like HK2 where I get an answer within 15 minutes of posting a question, and bugs that I report get fixed within the next release cycle. There are many other projects that are amazing this way. Jersey 1.0 used to be such a project.
>> And we're not the only ones who noticed that something is broken. See
>> There seems to be a strong consensus that Jersey 2.0 is missing critical features from 1.0 and yet they are not receiving top priority. I'd love to see some genuine action to close these gaps. I tried digging into the code myself, in the hopes of producing pull requests, but some of these problems are design-level which make them difficult to fix as an outsider.
>> Gili
>> On 06/12/2013 10:29 AM, Rodrigo Lopes wrote:
>>> Has Oracle just abandoned this project?
>>> I was checking open tickets for JAX projects; 63 tickets unassigned
>>> (100%).
>>> "So what..."
>>> It is in fact worse: You can find junks and SPAMs within the tickets:
>>> Has Oracle no more interesting in this spec?
>>> Best regards,
>>> Rodrigo di Lorenzo Lopes