[Jersey] Re: Jersey2: How to map URI to Resource?

From: Van Klaveren, Brian N. <>
Date: Tue, 5 Nov 2013 14:37:19 -0800

Hi Gili,

I’m a little confused still on exactly what you are trying to do, so excuse me if this question seems off base, but I can suggest that it might be worthwhile to just use (or create) this functionality in your actual REST api defined by the resource you are attempting to find.

You may receive a small performance hit from serialization/deserialization of the response, by doing this since you aren’t making a direct API call, but there’s technical reasons why this may also be a good idea, such as database connection pooling/application mobility/backwards compatibility, etc…

i.e. use HttpURLConnection, Apache’s HttpClient, etc… get your json back, etc…

1. Server receives POST
2. Server makes the following requests (back to itself, to another server, etc...):

GET /users/31
    “id”: 12345,

GET /users/31
    “id”: 67890,

3. Server parses json requests, server updates the call/participants/call participants table.

Optionally, defer to the users resource to update with the new calls:
PUT /users/31?newcall=31298
PUT /users/32?newcall=31298


On Nov 5, 2013, at 1:54 PM, cowwoc <> wrote:

> Hi Marek,
> Here is a simple example:
> POST /calls/31298
> {
> "from": "/calls/3124532/participants/31",
> "to": "/calls/3124532/participants/32"
> }
> This creates a connection between participants 31 and 32. How is
> the server supposed to honor this request? In Jersey 1.0 I would resolve
> each URI back to a resource. Each resource contains the following methods:
> long getId();
> URI getUri();
> So, once I've got the resource, I invoke getId() to get the
> database identifier and create the connection. When someone invokes GET
> /connections/321213 I convert the database id to a resource and from
> there invoke getUri(). I take the resulting URI and add it to the
> response body.
> What am I supposed to do in Jersey 2.0?
> Thanks,
> Gili
> On 05/11/2013 3:55 PM, Marek Potociar wrote:
>> Hi Gili,
>> This is not supported in Jersey 2 at the moment. When considering the old ResourceContext API we could not agree how useful the feature as well as how to address the processing of the new JAX-RS filters and entity interceptors in that method.
>> What is the use case where you would need the method? What behavior do you expect from (pre-matching and post-matching) filters and interceptors in that use case?
>> Answering these questions will help us in our considerations whether we should re-introduce the old API somehow or come up with a better concept.
>> Thanks,
>> Marek
>> On 25 Oct 2013, at 18:56, cowwoc <> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I posted this question at What replaces ResourceContext.matchResource(URI)? How do we go from a URI back to a resource class?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Gili