[Jersey] Re: Why is JSR 330 not enough?

From: cowwoc <>
Date: Fri, 01 Nov 2013 12:39:40 -0400

On 01/11/2013 12:33 PM, Cameron Jones wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 1, 2013 at 4:12 PM, cowwoc <
> <>> wrote:
> On 01/11/2013 11:56 AM, Cameron Jones wrote:
> JAX-RS still needs to define how the resource classes are
> constructed and then define how the request is dispatched.
> These are DI features, and JAX-RS would be a little defunkt
> without them.
> How they are constructed? Provide POJO classes with public
> constructors and let us figure out the rest. Guice/Spring/HK2
> integrators would then provide DI-specific configuration that
> would inject those classes with the right arguments. Here is what
> end-users would do for Guice:
> Injector injector = Guice.createInjector(new JerseyModule(),
> ... other modules);
> In the above example, JerseyModule is the DI-specific
> configuration that a Guice integrator would provide. That's what
> we had for Jersey 1.0 and it was very easy to use.
> What do you mean by "how the request is dispatched"?
> I meant wrt dynamic dispatching where subresources require injection.

     Okay, makes sense.

> I see there are 3 options available to remedy the DI woes:
> 1. Integrate JSR-330 into JAX-RS with the rules for delegation
> to a DI container.
> 2. Jersey provides DI though extension modules.
> 3. HK2-Guice bridge
> I prefer 1 as the most flexible and the best end solution
> across vendors. 2 is an architectural design decision for the
> Jersey project. 3 is the worst case because it's largely just
> a monkey patch and leaves multiple DI containers in your VM
> with memory and startup problems.
> Currently #3 is not even technically possible (though I will keep
> on exploring the possibility).
> Well, it would require work on the part of HK2 and/or Guice.

     I'm investigating those options but it's moving very slowly. Also,
keep in mind that Guice is pretty much frozen (considered to be mature)
so they only make releases every couple of years.

> Help me understand #1 and #2. For #1 what do you mean by "rules
> for delegation to a DI container"? For #2 what would an extension
> module contain?
> I meant how JAX-RS would interact with JSR-330 annotations, so some
> form of programmatic lookup would probably be the first. I don't
> really know the details, the JSR-339 group would probably have a
> better idea.
> For 2, i was thinking along the lines of the Jersey v1 extension model.

     Makes sense. I like either #1 or #2.
