[Jersey] Re: Entity Validation

From: Miles, Eric (CONT) <"Miles,>
Date: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 15:04:37 -0400

Silly question, but did you setup the ValidationConfig at all through a Provider or some other mechanism?

From: Bob Krier <<>>
Reply-To: Jersey Users <<>>
Date: Thursday, October 24, 2013 3:01 PM
To: Jersey Users <<>>
Subject: [Jersey] Entity Validation

Hi Everyone,

I'm unclear about setting up entity validation. To give you some foreground, our app runs embedded Jetty with Jersey as a REST provider (2.3.1). I have a Annotation defined as follows.

@Constraint(validatedBy = BeanValidation.Validator.class)
public @interface BeanValidation
String message() default "{com.axway.constraint.Some.message}";
Class[] groups() default {};
Class[] payload() default {};

public class Validator implements ConstraintValidator<BeanValidation, Object>
public void initialize(final BeanValidation bean)

public boolean isValid(final Object bean, final ConstraintValidatorContext constraintValidatorContext)
AnnotationValidator validator = new AnnotationValidator();
List<ResponseMessage> messages = validator.doValidate(bean); // Todo – return true or false depending on the outcome.
return true;

I have my resource defined like this:

public OrganizationBean addOrganization(@BeanValidation OrganizationBean bean)
return ….;

Here is my web.xml:

<web-app version="2.4" xmlns=""

<servlet-name>Jersey Web Application</servlet-name>

When I execute the POST, the BeanValidation.Validator is not executed (have a break point on the "isValidMethod"). Is there a step I'm missing?




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