Another question is what will happen to Open Source Jersey project: from
other projects it seems that anything bundled by JDK are being merged into
OpenJDK. So will Jersey live on as separate thing, or just be piece of
another project (Glassfish?).
I much prefer modular development, with steady released (release-early,
release-often), instead of Cathedral-style big corporate pushes.
So here's hoping that there would still be agile project for JAX-RS
implementation; Jersey has been trailblazer in the past.
-+ Tatu +-
On Thu, Oct 10, 2013 at 2:02 PM, cowwoc <> wrote:
> Out of curiosity, do any of the Jersey committers still read this
> mailing list? I don't recall seeing you answer any post for a couple of
> weeks now. Is everything okay?
> Gili