[Jersey] Custom ParamConverterProvider

From: Miles, Eric (CONT) <"Miles,>
Date: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 10:42:21 -0400


I have created a custom ParamConverterProvider and have annotated it with the @Custom qualifier, which is supposed to be looked at first for parameter conversion. However, when I debug the ParamConverterFactory, I can see my converter is not found with the Providers.getCustomProviders() call, however it returns in the Providers.getProviders() call and is AFTER the default AggregatedProvider…which means my converter is never called at all. Here is my converter definition:



public class NonPublicInformationParamConverterProvider implements ParamConverterProvider {

Is this all that needs to be done to identify it's a custom Provider?? When I debug and get down into the weeds of HK2, I can see the SystemDescriptor that wraps this provider identifies that there are no qualifiers for the class.

Eric Miles
Senior Manager/ Architect | CapTech
Platform Engineering | Team Super Glue (Mobile)
cell: (804) 322-9253 |<>

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