[Jersey] Unable to get ChunkedOutput to work properly using Tomcat 7

From: Chun Tat David Chu <>
Date: Wed, 9 Oct 2013 00:58:26 -0400

Hi All,

I am trying to get ChunkedOutput to work using Tomcat 7. My test code is
very similar to what's available on the tutorial website.

I tried with both command line curl and a Java application that follows
ChunkedInput tutorial

By observing the behavior, it appears to me that my Java application is not
receiving the chunked output whenever my web service is invoking
chunkedOutput.write(). Instead all the chunked output is received at once
after all the write is completed.

Any one tried using ChunkedOutput with Tomcat 7? Is there anything that I
must configure? or I need to use a different web server?

