[Jersey] Re: Digest for list

From: Koper, Dies <>
Date: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 10:52:19 +1100

Hi Gili,


Ø Injecting ServletContext into a Resource would be too late. I need the servlet init parameters in the application constructor.


That's an important detail that you left out of your stackflow post.

You crushed my barely existing stackflow reputation so I've learned my lesson and won't reply to any of your questions there, but maybe this can help you:


Note that injection is possible in constructors of @Provider classes (according to section 15.5 of the JAX-RS 1.1 spec), and at least with GF where I tried, these are instantiated straight after the instantiation of your Application subclass (where I return my @Provider class from getSingletons).


So if you definitely want the parameters in the Application constructor, I think you'll need to look at one of the various other suggestions (passing them as system properties to the JVM, use of a property file, etc.). But if you want a JAX-RS spec suggested option and just need those parameters at application startup time (as opposed to per request for instance), maybe a provider class can help? (Note that you can inject your Application subclass into the provider class too if you want to share any variables).



Dies Koper


From: cowwoc []
Sent: Monday, October 28, 2013 1:30 AM
Subject: [Jersey] Re: Digest for list


    So, it seems that the celebration was premature. When I inject ServletContext into the application, it has a value of null. Here is my code:

public class MyApplication extends ResourceConfig
    public MyApplication(ServiceLocator serviceLocator, @Context ServletContext context)

    Looking at I'm not the only one. Injecting ServletContext into a Resource would be too late. I need the servlet init parameters in the application constructor.


On 26/10/2013 9:20 PM, cowwoc wrote:

        Hi Simon,
            Great answer. Thank you!
            I've got a follow-up question. In Jersey 1.0 I configured the servlet used for unit tests as follows:
            new JerseyTest(new WebAppDescriptor.Builder().
                    contextParam("modules", "GuiceModule1;GuiceModule2").
            I don't see a similar mechanism in Jersey 2.0. Any ideas?
        On 26/10/2013 10:10 AM, Simon Roberts wrote:

                I believe that provided you're actually running in a servlet-hosted environment (which you are, presumably, because you are talking about web.xml) then you can use @Context to inject the ServletConfig and ServletContext objects:








                On Fri, Oct 25, 2013 at 9:05 PM, <> wrote:

                Table of contents:
                1. [Jersey] [ANN] Jersey 2.4 has been released - Adam Lindenthal <>
                2. [Jersey] Jersey2: How to map URI to Resource? - cowwoc <>
                3. [Jersey] Jersey2: How to pass parameters from web.xml to the Application? - cowwoc <>
                4. [Jersey] Re: Jersey2: How to pass parameters from web.xml to the Application? - Ivar <>
                5. [Jersey] Re: Jersey2: How to pass parameters from web.xml to the Application? - Joseph Mocker <>
                6. [Jersey] Re: Jersey2: How to pass parameters from web.xml to the Application? - cowwoc <>
                7. [Jersey] Re: Jersey2: How to pass parameters from web.xml to the Application? - Joseph Mocker <>
                8. [Jersey] Re: Jersey2: How to pass parameters from web.xml to the Application? - "Van Klaveren, Brian N." <>
                9. [Jersey] Re: Jersey2: How to pass parameters from web.xml to the Application? - cowwoc <>
                10. [Jersey] Re: Jersey2: How to pass parameters from web.xml to the Application? - "Van Klaveren, Brian N." <>
                11. [Jersey] Re: Jersey2: How to pass parameters from web.xml to the Application? - Joseph Mocker <>
                ---------- Forwarded message ----------
                From: Adam Lindenthal <>
                Date: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 17:53:39 +0200
                Subject: [Jersey] [ANN] Jersey 2.4 has been released

                Jersey team is happy to announce availability of Jersey 2.4.

                For an overview of changes, bug fixes and new features, please consult Jersey 2.4 Release Notes:
                To download Jersey 2.4, please check our download page:

                We also recommend you to check out the refreshed Jersey 2.4 documentation:

                * API:
                * User Guide:

                We appreciate your feedback - if you have any thoughts or comments, send us an email to Jersey users mailing list or file any discovered bugs & new feature requests in Jersey Jira issue tracker:

                May the REST be with you,
                Your Jersey Team.

                ---------- Forwarded message ----------
                From: cowwoc <>
                Date: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 12:56:23 -0400
                Subject: [Jersey] Jersey2: How to map URI to Resource?
                    I posted this question at What replaces ResourceContext.matchResource(URI)? How do we go from a URI back to a resource class?
                ---------- Forwarded message ----------
                From: cowwoc <>
                Date: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 14:03:43 -0400
                Subject: [Jersey] Jersey2: How to pass parameters from web.xml to the Application?
                    I posted this question here:
                    The container needs to be able to tell the Application whether it is running in debug or release mode. The container needs to know this information because it exposes extra resources in debug mode, and the application needs to know this because it registers different implementations in debug mode. Any ideas?
                ---------- Forwarded message ----------
                From: Ivar <>
                Date: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 21:46:40 +0200
                Subject: [Jersey] Re: Jersey2: How to pass parameters from web.xml to the Application?

                Use regular jvm properties to set a debug property?



                ---------- Forwarded message ----------
                From: Joseph Mocker <>
                To: "" <>
                Date: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 20:42:14 +0000
                Subject: [Jersey] Re: Jersey2: How to pass parameters from web.xml to the Application?
                A slightly more elegant way than Ivar's suggestion would be to put a properties file in the classpath somewhere (for example, with Tomcat, you could put it in tomcat's lib/) folder, then in your ResourceConfig, do a getResourceAsStream("/") and look for some property to tell you the mode you are running in.
                Joseph Mocker | Velti | Senior Software Architect
                t +1.415.315.4314 <tel:%2B1.415.315.4314> m +1.650.566.7033 <tel:%2B1.650.566.7033>
                e @VeltiMobile
                The leading global technology provider of
                mobile marketing and advertising solutions
                On Oct 25, 2013, at 12:46 PM, Ivar <> wrote:
> Use regular jvm properties to set a debug property?
> Ivar
                ---------- Forwarded message ----------
                From: cowwoc <>
                Date: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 17:24:23 -0400
                Subject: [Jersey] Re: Jersey2: How to pass parameters from web.xml to the Application?
                    Jeez. That's very ugly.
                    Isn't there a way for me to pass variables from web.xml to ServletContainer and from there to ResourceConfig.getProperties()? I haven't tried this yet because the migration process is not complete, but surely there should be a way to do this using existing Jersey mechanisms...?
                On 25/10/2013 4:42 PM, Joseph Mocker wrote:

                A slightly more elegant way than Ivar's suggestion would be to put a properties file in the classpath somewhere (for example, with Tomcat, you could put it in tomcat's lib/) folder, then in your ResourceConfig, do a getResourceAsStream("/") and look for some property to tell you the mode you are running in.
                Joseph Mocker | Velti | Senior Software Architect
                t +1.415.315.4314 <tel:%2B1.415.315.4314> m +1.650.566.7033 <tel:%2B1.650.566.7033>
                e @VeltiMobile
                The leading global technology provider of
                mobile marketing and advertising solutions
                On Oct 25, 2013, at 12:46 PM, Ivar <> wrote:

                Use regular jvm properties to set a debug property?

                ---------- Forwarded message ----------
                From: Joseph Mocker <>
                To: "" <>
                Date: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 21:42:31 +0000
                Subject: [Jersey] Re: Jersey2: How to pass parameters from web.xml to the Application?
                Yeah I haven't found the link between ServletContainer and ResourceConfig either.
                But, if you are going to have different web.xml files for your dev and prod environments, why not just have two different ResourceConfig subclasses, one for each environment?
                With my suggestion, it may be ugly, but you are never generating multiple WARs, your environment specific parameters are held outside the WAR. That's nice from a management/deployment standpoint.
                I'll bet something similar could be done with JNDI.
                On Oct 25, 2013, at 2:24 PM, cowwoc <> wrote:
> Jeez. That's very ugly.
> Isn't there a way for me to pass variables from web.xml to ServletContainer and from there to ResourceConfig.getProperties()? I haven't tried this yet because the migration process is not complete, but surely there should be a way to do this using existing Jersey mechanisms...?
> Gili
> On 25/10/2013 4:42 PM, Joseph Mocker wrote:
>> A slightly more elegant way than Ivar's suggestion would be to put a properties file in the classpath somewhere (for example, with Tomcat, you could put it in tomcat's lib/) folder, then in your ResourceConfig, do a getResourceAsStream("/") and look for some property to tell you the mode you are running in.
>> Joseph Mocker | Velti | Senior Software Architect
>> t +1.415.315.4314 <tel:%2B1.415.315.4314> m +1.650.566.7033 <tel:%2B1.650.566.7033>
>> e @VeltiMobile
>> The leading global technology provider of
>> mobile marketing and advertising solutions
>> On Oct 25, 2013, at 12:46 PM, Ivar <> wrote:
>>> Use regular jvm properties to set a debug property?
>>> Ivar
                ---------- Forwarded message ----------
                From: "Van Klaveren, Brian N." <>
                To: "" <>
                Date: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 14:44:51 -0700
                Subject: [Jersey] Re: Jersey2: How to pass parameters from web.xml to the Application?
                In web.xml:
                In servlet:
                String maybeDebug = getServletConfig().getInitParameter("maybeDebug");
                In non-servlet:
                InitialContext context = new InitialContext();
                String paramValue = (String) context.lookup("java:comp/env/maybeDebug");
                On Oct 25, 2013, at 2:24 PM, cowwoc <> wrote:
> Jeez. That's very ugly.
> Isn't there a way for me to pass variables from web.xml to
> ServletContainer and from there to ResourceConfig.getProperties()? I
> haven't tried this yet because the migration process is not complete,
> but surely there should be a way to do this using existing Jersey
> mechanisms...?
> Gili
> On 25/10/2013 4:42 PM, Joseph Mocker wrote:
>> A slightly more elegant way than Ivar's suggestion would be to put a properties file in the classpath somewhere (for example, with Tomcat, you could put it in tomcat's lib/) folder, then in your ResourceConfig, do a getResourceAsStream("/") and look for some property to tell you the mode you are running in.
>> Joseph Mocker | Velti | Senior Software Architect
>> t +1.415.315.4314 <tel:%2B1.415.315.4314> m +1.650.566.7033 <tel:%2B1.650.566.7033>
>> e @VeltiMobile
>> The leading global technology provider of
>> mobile marketing and advertising solutions
>> On Oct 25, 2013, at 12:46 PM, Ivar <> wrote:
>>> Use regular jvm properties to set a debug property?
>>> Ivar
                ---------- Forwarded message ----------
                From: cowwoc <>
                Date: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 17:50:35 -0400
                Subject: [Jersey] Re: Jersey2: How to pass parameters from web.xml to the Application?
                    I'm trying to look up the parameter value from inside a class that extends ResourceConfig. I don't have access to ServletConfig from there, do I? This is in spite of the fact that Jersey is running on top of ServletContainer.
                On 25/10/2013 5:44 PM, Van Klaveren, Brian N. wrote:

                In web.xml:
                In servlet:
                String maybeDebug = getServletConfig().getInitParameter("maybeDebug");
                In non-servlet:
                InitialContext context = new InitialContext();
                String paramValue = (String) context.lookup("java:comp/env/maybeDebug");
                On Oct 25, 2013, at 2:24 PM, cowwoc <> wrote:

                     Jeez. That's very ugly.
                     Isn't there a way for me to pass variables from web.xml to
                ServletContainer and from there to ResourceConfig.getProperties()? I
                haven't tried this yet because the migration process is not complete,
                but surely there should be a way to do this using existing Jersey
                On 25/10/2013 4:42 PM, Joseph Mocker wrote:

                A slightly more elegant way than Ivar's suggestion would be to put a properties file in the classpath somewhere (for example, with Tomcat, you could put it in tomcat's lib/) folder, then in your ResourceConfig, do a getResourceAsStream("/") and look for some property to tell you the mode you are running in.
                Joseph Mocker | Velti | Senior Software Architect
                t +1.415.315.4314 <tel:%2B1.415.315.4314> m +1.650.566.7033 <tel:%2B1.650.566.7033>
                e @VeltiMobile
                The leading global technology provider of
                mobile marketing and advertising solutions
                On Oct 25, 2013, at 12:46 PM, Ivar <> wrote:

                Use regular jvm properties to set a debug property?

                ---------- Forwarded message ----------
                From: "Van Klaveren, Brian N." <>
                To: "" <>
                Date: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 15:27:40 -0700
                Subject: [Jersey] Re: Jersey2: How to pass parameters from web.xml to the Application?
                Sorry, I double checked because I thought context-param added it to the environment as well, but it only adds it to a servlet context. I think the first part is right, however, if you want to do it not from a servlet, you need to define it in web.xml the following way:
                The second bit of code remains the same. You should be able to retrieve, anywhere in the application, with the following code:
                String paramValue = (String) new InitialContext().lookup("java:comp/env/maybeDebug");
                On Oct 25, 2013, at 2:50 PM, cowwoc <> wrote:
> Brian,
> I'm trying to look up the parameter value from inside a class that
> extends ResourceConfig. I don't have access to ServletConfig from there,
> do I? This is in spite of the fact that Jersey is running on top of
> ServletContainer.
> Gili
> On 25/10/2013 5:44 PM, Van Klaveren, Brian N. wrote:
>> In web.xml:
>> <context-param>
>> <param-name>maybeDebug</param-name>
>> <param-value>nope</param-value>
>> </context-param>
>> In servlet:
>> String maybeDebug = getServletConfig().getInitParameter("maybeDebug");
>> In non-servlet:
>> InitialContext context = new InitialContext();
>> String paramValue = (String) context.lookup("java:comp/env/maybeDebug");
>> Brian
>> On Oct 25, 2013, at 2:24 PM, cowwoc <> wrote:
>>> Jeez. That's very ugly.
>>> Isn't there a way for me to pass variables from web.xml to
>>> ServletContainer and from there to ResourceConfig.getProperties()? I
>>> haven't tried this yet because the migration process is not complete,
>>> but surely there should be a way to do this using existing Jersey
>>> mechanisms...?
>>> Gili
>>> On 25/10/2013 4:42 PM, Joseph Mocker wrote:
>>>> A slightly more elegant way than Ivar's suggestion would be to put a properties file in the classpath somewhere (for example, with Tomcat, you could put it in tomcat's lib/) folder, then in your ResourceConfig, do a getResourceAsStream("/") and look for some property to tell you the mode you are running in.
>>>> Joseph Mocker | Velti | Senior Software Architect
>>>> t +1.415.315.4314 <tel:%2B1.415.315.4314> m +1.650.566.7033 <tel:%2B1.650.566.7033>
>>>> e @VeltiMobile
>>>> The leading global technology provider of
>>>> mobile marketing and advertising solutions
>>>> On Oct 25, 2013, at 12:46 PM, Ivar <> wrote:
>>>>> Use regular jvm properties to set a debug property?
>>>>> Ivar
                ---------- Forwarded message ----------
                From: Joseph Mocker <>
                To: "" <>
                Date: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 22:51:05 +0000
                Subject: [Jersey] Re: Jersey2: How to pass parameters from web.xml to the Application?
                JNDI FTW! :-) Beauty Brian.
                Joseph Mocker | Velti | Senior Software Architect
                t +1.415.315.4314 <tel:%2B1.415.315.4314> m +1.650.566.7033 <tel:%2B1.650.566.7033>
                e @VeltiMobile
                The leading global technology provider of
                mobile marketing and advertising solutions
                On Oct 25, 2013, at 3:27 PM, Van Klaveren, Brian N. <> wrote:
> Hi,
> Sorry, I double checked because I thought context-param added it to the environment as well, but it only adds it to a servlet context. I think the first part is right, however, if you want to do it not from a servlet, you need to define it in web.xml the following way:
> <env-entry>
> <env-entry-name>maybeDebug</env-entry-name>
> <env-entry-value>nope</env-entry-value>
> <env-entry-type>java.lang.String</env-entry-type>
> </env-entry>
> The second bit of code remains the same. You should be able to retrieve, anywhere in the application, with the following code:
> String paramValue = (String) new InitialContext().lookup("java:comp/env/maybeDebug");
> Brian
> On Oct 25, 2013, at 2:50 PM, cowwoc <> wrote:
>> Brian,
>> I'm trying to look up the parameter value from inside a class that
>> extends ResourceConfig. I don't have access to ServletConfig from there,
>> do I? This is in spite of the fact that Jersey is running on top of
>> ServletContainer.
>> Gili
>> On 25/10/2013 5:44 PM, Van Klaveren, Brian N. wrote:
>>> In web.xml:
>>> <context-param>
>>> <param-name>maybeDebug</param-name>
>>> <param-value>nope</param-value>
>>> </context-param>
>>> In servlet:
>>> String maybeDebug = getServletConfig().getInitParameter("maybeDebug");
>>> In non-servlet:
>>> InitialContext context = new InitialContext();
>>> String paramValue = (String) context.lookup("java:comp/env/maybeDebug");
>>> Brian
>>> On Oct 25, 2013, at 2:24 PM, cowwoc <> wrote:
>>>> Jeez. That's very ugly.
>>>> Isn't there a way for me to pass variables from web.xml to
>>>> ServletContainer and from there to ResourceConfig.getProperties()? I
>>>> haven't tried this yet because the migration process is not complete,
>>>> but surely there should be a way to do this using existing Jersey
>>>> mechanisms...?
>>>> Gili
>>>> On 25/10/2013 4:42 PM, Joseph Mocker wrote:
>>>>> A slightly more elegant way than Ivar's suggestion would be to put a properties file in the classpath somewhere (for example, with Tomcat, you could put it in tomcat's lib/) folder, then in your ResourceConfig, do a getResourceAsStream("/") and look for some property to tell you the mode you are running in.
>>>>> Joseph Mocker | Velti | Senior Software Architect
>>>>> t +1.415.315.4314 <tel:%2B1.415.315.4314> m +1.650.566.7033 <tel:%2B1.650.566.7033>
>>>>> e @VeltiMobile
>>>>> The leading global technology provider of
>>>>> mobile marketing and advertising solutions
>>>>> On Oct 25, 2013, at 12:46 PM, Ivar <> wrote:
>>>>>> Use regular jvm properties to set a debug property?
>>>>>> Ivar
                End of digest for list - Sat, 26 Oct 2013



                Simon Roberts
                Certified Professional Photographer
                (303) 249 3613