[Jersey] Re: Spring Jersey 2 support

From: Miroslav Fuksa <>
Date: Tue, 13 Aug 2013 07:50:40 +0200


I am not sure I understand your question. Jersey 2.2 will include a
module that will allow to use Spring with Jersey. So, if you have your
JAX-RS Jersey application, you can include this module as a dependency.
In that case you will also need dependencies to Spring. Then you can use
Spring injections (for example let Spring to manage your JAX-RS resource
classes or inject Spring beans into resource classes). Does this answer
your question?


On 08/12/2013 10:04 PM, wrote:
> Hello,
> Can someone clarify: will Jersey 2.2 include embedded working JAX-RS
> 2.0 and Spring 3.x integration, or will a new version of jersey-spring
> include that, with a similar integration process in Maven, for example,
> as with the Jersey 1 jersey-spring integration?
> Thanks,
> Dan
>> Hi Yair,
>> No exact date, but 2.2 should be hopefully out sometime next week.
>> ~Jakub
>> On Aug 7, 2013, at 10:34 AM, Yair Ogen (yaogen) <yaogen@...> wrote:
>>> Is there a release date for Jersey 2.2 and the Spring Jersey support
> with
>>> it?
>>> Yair