[Jersey] question about simple pojo pattern with uri parameters

From: Richard Sand <>
Date: Wed, 07 Aug 2013 13:55:51 -0400

Hi all - quick question about the best way to create a single resource
for supporting CRUD operations on several different POJOs.

I have two POJOs which represent two tables in a database. Each POJO has
getters and setters for the fields in each table. Each has an "ID" field
which is a number for the primary key.

I have a resource class which initializes the database connections and
controls the POJOs. All of the operations take the ID field on the URI.
So a request for:

GET /admin/pojo1/12345

will return POJO1 with id=12345 as a JSon object - this works fine. My
Admin class has a method called getPojo1 with @Path("pojo1/{id: [0-9]*}")

Now I want to support manipulating individual fields as Strings, like:

GET /admin/pojo1/12345/field1
PUT /admin/pojo1/12345/field1/newvalue

Right now, this means adding methods for each individual field for each
POJO into my Admin class. So my simple question is - is there better
dispatch pattern I can use in my Admin class that doesn't require a
separate method for each POJO x Field x Method? 5 POJOs times 15 fields
per POJO times 4 methods = 300 methods = ugly!

Thanks for any advice!

Best regards,
