the approach you did is correct. The problem is that Glassfish 4.0 might
not work with newest Jersey version (there might be incompatibilites).
You can try using one of the Glassfish night builds which have already
Jersey 2.2 integrated.
The link is accessible from
http://glassfish.org (Download->Work in
progress). The night build versions might be unstable.
You can try for example build:
On 08/23/2013 08:53 AM, Charlee Chitsuk wrote:
> Hi All,
> I've tried to upgrade the Jersey 2.2 to the Glassfish 4 by replacing
> the following jars at the [gf_home]/glassfish/modules with version 2.2
> 1. jersey-bean-validation.jar
> 2. jersey-client.jar
> 3. jersey-common.jar
> 4. jersey-container-grizzly2-http.jar
> 5. jersey-container-servlet-core.jar
> 6. jersey-container-servlet.jar
> 7. jersey-gf-cdi.jar
> 8. jersey-gf-ejb.jar
> 9. jersey-media-json-jackson.jar
> 10. jersey-media-json-jettison.jar
> 11. jersey-media-json-processing.jar
> 12. jersey-media-moxy.jar
> 13. jersey-media-multipart.jar
> 14. jersey-media-sse.jar
> 15. jersey-mvc-connector.jar
> 16. jersey-mvc-jsp.jar
> 17. jersey-mvc.jar
> 18. jersey-server.jar
> After clearing the
> [gf_home]/glassfish/glassfish/domains/domain1/osgi-cache and I cannot
> start the glassfish anymore. Could you please help to advise further?
> Thank you very much for your help in advance.
> --
> Best Regards,
> Charlee Chitsuk