On 29.05.2013, at 15:18, Marek Potociar <marek.potociar_at_oracle.com> wrote:
> On May 22, 2013, at 9:38 PM, algermissen1971 <algermissen1971_at_mac.com> wrote:
>> So you say I should do the following and JAX-RS runtime will invoke that ctor? With JSR330 ctor injection also happening?
>> @javax.ws.rs.ApplicationPath("r")
>> public class ApplicationConfig extends ResourceConfig {
>> @Inject
>> public ApplicationConfig(MyCredentialsService s) {
>> packages( ... bunch of packages with resource classes ...);
>> this.registerInstances(new SpecialAuthFeature(s));
>> }
>> }
>> Yes?
> That may work as long as the MyCredentialsService is registered in CDI.
Hmm, it does not work for me - since you say *may* let me ask: Should I file a bug or am I missing something?
What do you mean by "registered in CDI"? Shouldn't CDI pick up the class without specific action?
As per
Shouldn't I rather worry about ApplicationConfig being CDI-enabled? I tried with various annotations, but without success.
> Marek
>> Jan
>>> Marek
>>>> Jan
>>>> --
>>>> Paulo Pires