'lo all,
Just added a super simple JAX-RS 2.0 support module for my HalBuilder
JVM API which I intend to release sometime over the weekend:
along with a small sample application at:
Basically, when configuring Jersey ( I've not looked at RestEasy yet )
you simple tell it to also scan the
"com.theoryinpractise.halbuilder.jaxrs" package to pick up the support
classes, then in your resource class just return your representation
public Representation getIt() {
Representation rep = representationFactory.newRepresentation();
rep.withProperty("message", "Got it!");
return rep;
and voila - content neg. is all handled by JAX-RS out of the box:
$ curl -H "Accept: application/hal+xml"
<link rel="website" href="
http://gotohal.net" />
<message>Got it!</message>
$ curl
"_links" : {
"website" : {
"href" : "
"message" : "Got it!"
So far I've added the @Produces side of things, tho @Consumes should be
just as simple and should be added before the release.
Note that the support ONLY works for returning
Representation/ReadableRepresentation and not arbitrary objects - this
is me trying to make you think of links/representations etc. as
first-class things.
One thing I don't like is having to use the package name in a String for
scanning, is there a way I can provide a class that specifies the
classes concretely?