[Jersey] Re: HI

From: Marek Potociar <>
Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2013 18:44:47 +0200

On Apr 19, 2013, at 2:25 PM, nandhini arunachalam <> wrote:

> Hi here are my doubts
> Even though we have simple restful call form client to server why should we go for Jersey client ,what is the real use of it?

Which version of Jersey are you talking about? Jersey 1.x has proprietary client API. There's no particular fundamental reason to use it, unless of course you run your server on Jersey in which case using Jersey client would only be natural.

In Jersey 2.0 (coming out soon) however, we are providing support for standard JAX-RS 2.0 client API. The reason to use this API is, of course, because it's standard. But to be fair, again, you do not have to use Jersey to use this standard API. Any JAX-RS 2.0 compliant implementation would do it.

> When ever you mean Jersey is Reference Implementation what does it exactly means

Jersey is the implementation that has status of the one that implements the API correctly and (unlike other implementations) Jersey is always ready to support new API the moment the API is released. So with Jersey you can always rely on being able to use the latest & greatest version of JAX-RS API.
In general, a reference implementation is essentially a proof that the specification actually can be implemented.

> Is jersey mainly used for conveting some java object to both xml and json.

I think I stop here. You should perhaps do your homework better. Sometimes you may want to look around for a few minutes before asking questions.


> Pls help me out in these questions
> Thanks,
> Nandhini