Hi Guys,
I am trying to add extended wadl generation to my jersey rest service
using the following example as reference:
<name>Generate WADL - Jersey sample</name>
I get the following build error:
Failed to execute goal
org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-javadoc-plugin:2.8.1:javadoc (default) on
project myproject: An error has occurred in JavaDocs report generation:
Unable to find artifact:groupId = 'com.sun.jersey'
artifactId = 'jersey-server'
version = '1.10': Could not find artifact
com.sun.jersey:jersey-server:bundle:1.10 in my-repository
Try downloading the file manually from the project website.
Note that my-repository is the first repository listed in the
repositories section of my pom and that I do have the jvnet repo.
<name>New Java.net Repository for Maven</name>
I am wondering where is the missing dependency that I can point to? And
why does the generate-wadl sample build ok?
Thanks for your help.
Farrukh Najmi
Web: http://www.wellfleetsoftware.com