[Jersey] Generic Resources

From: Artem Grebenkin <>
Date: Fri, 30 Nov 2012 18:54:13 +0100

Hi folks,

I have some unusual use case and would be very appreciated for any help. In my particular case a generic resource, where I could set a @Path, mapping and extend it, would be very very helpful. Something like this:

@Path("/t")/*path set*/
public class BookResource<T> {

GenericDAO<Integer, T> tStore;

    public GenericDAO<Integer, T> getBook() {
return tStore;

public void setTStore(GenericDAO<Integer, T> tStore) {
this.tStore = tStore;
    public T findById(@PathParam("id") long id) {
        return tStore.getById(id);
    public List<T> findAll(@PathParam("number") long number, @PathParam("offset") long offset) {
        //_at_TODO If any of params is null give 0 forward
        return tStore.getAll(number, offset);
    public int create(T instance) {
    public int update(T instance) {

    public int remove(@PathParam("id") long id) {

Do I have any chance to implement this?
