On Wed, Nov 21, 2012 at 4:18 AM, Srinivas Naresh Bhimisetty
<shri.naresh_at_gmail.com> wrote:
> Tatu,
> using the JacksonJaxbJsonProvider does help for this particular case, but
> this causes issues where I have the beans annotated with JAXB having the
> accessor type set as FIELD, meaning few of the properties in the bean could
> be optional. While unmarshalling JSON complains about these optional
> properties being not set as ignorable.
There are many ways to ignore properties, as per:
but I think most users who are not afraid of accidentally losing
important properties due to mismatching names (my biggest peeve with
JAXB -- it was happy to ignore all data, when names didn't match) use:
The only trick being how to specify ObjectMapper that Jersey uses --
it is just a regular provideable thing, so you can use the usual
JAX-RS provider. Or explicitly configure JacksonJaxbJsonProvider.
-+ Tatu +-