On Tue, Nov 20, 2012 at 5:14 PM, Mike Summers <msummers57_at_gmail.com> wrote:
> Correct, this particular application requires the use of JAXB annotations,
> it cannot work with just POJO mapping.
But what I am trying to say is that POJO mapping can use JAXB
annotations just fine (at least significant subset).
> So the question stands, is there a way to control Jersey's unmarshalling
> behavior when the target objects are JAXB annotated and POJOMapping is
> false? In particular, why are in-coming JSON nulls not mapped to Java null?
I have not used other modes, perhaps someone else can comment on this part.
I suspect that for some, problems comes from XML compatibility layer,
which makes it hard to distinguish between empty content and nulls.
-+ Tatu +-