Would a servlet filter that rewrites the ContentHeader to fix that broken value you get be an option?
On Nov 15, 2012, at 5:10 AM, tracy.b.hu <tracy.b.hu_at_gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Dear,
> First of all, sorry for my poor english. I will try to express my questions as possible as i can.
> As we all know, we can define customizable Provider to deal with different Produces and Consumes. Such as, we expect to produces application/json. So we can define a provider class like this.
> @Provider @Singleton
> @Produces({ MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON })
> @Consumes({ MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON })
> public class JacksonEntityProvider extends JacksonJsonProvider {
> .......
> }
> Also can be like that,
> @Provider @Singleton
> @Produces({ "application/json", "application/xml"})
> @Consumes({ "application/json", "application/xml"})
> public class JacksonEntityProvider extends JacksonJsonProvider {
> .......
> }
> It works ok if request Content-Type like "application/json", "application/json; charset=utf8". But if the request Content-Type like "application/json; text/html; charset=UTF-8 ", it will throw a javax.ws.rs.WebApplicationException. Why? I have read Jersey source code, and found Jersey use "/" to seperate first media type from Content-Type, and use "=" to seperate others. That's why the "Caused by: java.text.ParseException: Expected separator '=' instead of '/'" exception occured. I know the second Content-Type is a bad one, but it's belong to request that out of my control.
> I just wanna know, is there any way to deal with these requests by using Jersey? It's really made me down, any body can help me. Thanks advanced.
> Thanks,
> Henry Hu
- application/pkcs7-signature attachment: smime.p7s