[Jersey] Re: How do you disable specific paths from being included in Jersey WADL generation?

From: Pavel Bucek <>
Date: Fri, 12 Oct 2012 11:00:21 +0200


this is not yet implemented, can you please file new enhancement request
on our Jira? (

you can workaround that by adding response filter (or any other option)
where you would selectively remove some resources from wadl, but it
won't be nice code. Other option is to create your own wadl generator,
which would check the annotations for your custom one (something like
@DisableWadl) and deffers to other generator if not found, otherwise
returns null or maybe empty Resource/Method (from You might event want to donate it back to
Jersey afterwards.


On 10/11/12 9:33 PM, wrote:
> We are using Jersey to generate API documentation for our REST service,
> but there are some APIs that we do not want to document.
> I'm looking for a way to disable documentation generation for some
> paths. An annotation would be fine, or a configuration option for
> WADLResource.
> Unfortunately I can't find any documentation.