[Jersey] Controlling JSON to POJO mapping

From: <>
Date: Tue, 18 Sep 2012 08:58:19 +0000 (GMT)

I am using Jersey's POJO mapping feature to map JSON responses to Java
objects. This works, but I would like to have more control. For
example, consider the following JSON, which uses arrays to minimize the

    "first_names": [
    "last_names": [

This can easily be mapped to:

public class Persons {

    private List<String> firstNames;
    private List<String> firstNames;


However, I find this inconvenient and ugly. I would rather prefer
somehow a list of Person POJOs, each one having a firstName and
lastName as a String. Is this possible? Should I revert to low-level
JSON support or can this be achieved via the POJO mapping feature?

I have read the Jersey User Guide, but still have no clue on how to do
this. I would be grateful if someone could point me in the right
