I've faced the same issue once and here is the better solution, that worked
for me.
ManiKanta G
On Mon, Sep 10, 2012 at 8:02 PM, Pavel Bucek <pavel.bucek_at_oracle.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm not a tomcat configuration expert, but I'm pretty sure that this is
> container related thing and it is configurable.
> See: http://stackoverflow.com/**questions/3856145/empty-page-**
> instead-of-custom-tomcat-**error-page<http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3856145/empty-page-instead-of-custom-tomcat-error-page>
> or look into tomcat documentation.
> Regards,
> Pavel
> On 8/30/12 10:13 PM, Vinicius Carvalho wrote:
>> Hello there! This is bugging me for a couple of hours now.
>> We are running jersey 1.1.13 inside tomcat.
>> We don't want to have tomcat exposing those error pages as content body
>> whenever an error happens. Even using ExceptionMappers I found out that
>> jersey uses response.sendError instead of response.setStatus at the
>> WebComponent class:
>> if (cResponse.getStatus() >= 400) {
>> if (useSetStatusOn404 && cResponse.getStatus() == 404) {
>> response.setStatus(cResponse.**getStatus());
>> } else {
>> final String reason = cResponse.getStatusType().**getReasonPhrase();
>> if (reason == null || reason.isEmpty()) {
>> response.sendError(cResponse.**getStatus());
>> } else {
>> response.sendError(cResponse.**getStatus(), reason);
>> }
>> }
>> } else {
>> response.setStatus(cResponse.**getStatus());
>> }
>> I really would like to avoid having to configure empty html pages at
>> <error> section of my web.xml. Isn't there a way to just force the Response
>> to be empty?
>> I "fixed" this by making this call inside my Mapper:
>> return Response.status(Status.NOT_**FOUND).type(MediaType.TEXT_**PLAIN).entity("
>> ").build();
>> But it feels so ugly to me, I really would love if:
>> return Response.status(Status.NOT_**FOUND).build();
>> Could just work with empty response bodies and not default to container
>> specific error pages.
>> Any way to fix this?
>> Regards