I also had trouble subscribing and posting through Nabble, so I just did it
directly from java.net
On Wed, Aug 1, 2012 at 12:02 PM, Davide Cavestro <
davide.cavestro_at_cardinis.com> wrote:
> I write here cause I was not able to subscribe to jersey users mailing
> list at http://jersey.576304.n2.nabble.com/
> I previously tried to subscribe to users_at_jersey.java.net sending an empty
> email, but it was rejected... so - as a last resort -
> I'm going to quote here the message I posted on nabble... sorry, I don't
> want to cross-post, but I'm afraid no-one will read it since I'm not
> subscribed.
> I've tried to subscribe to this mailing list following the instructions<http://jersey.576304.n2.nabble.com/mailing_list/MailingListOptions.jtp?forum=576304>,
> but I always get a mail delivery failure message (both from nabble UI and
> sending a message from my mail client).
> Shouldn't the address be *users@jersey.java.net* as stated at jersey home<http://jersey.java.net/>?
> ( from
> http://jersey.576304.n2.nabble.com/Cannot-subscribe-to-mailing-list-through-users-jersey-dev-java-net-should-it-be-jersey-java-net-tp7579856.html)
> Kind regards
> Davide Cavestro
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