[Jersey] Re: FormDataMultiPart http post in RESTful application

From: Jakub Podlesak <>
Date: Mon, 23 Jul 2012 18:07:53 +0200

Hi Dave,

I am trying to spot what could be wrong, but unfortunatelly, your code
uses lots of helper
classes not related to Jersey (RestUriBuilder, HttpUriRequest,
HttpUtils, ...) where it is hard
to tell what happens under the cover. Would it be possible to extract a
simple, raw Jersey,
use case, which reproduces the issue? You can take [1] as a template.




On 7/12/12 4:29 PM, wrote:
> Hey everyone, I'm trying to to send an HTTP post that contains a
> FormDataMultiPart object to my REST resource. The server responds with
> "Unsupported media type" and logs the error message:
> "SEVERE: A message body reader for Java class
> com.sun.jersey.multipart.FormDataMultiPart, and Java type class
> com.sun.jersey.multipart.FormDataMultiPart, and MIME media type
> multipart/form-data was not found."
> I've included the mimepull.jar in the classpath as was recommended in a
> previous post. That didn't help.
> Here's the code I'm using:
> The test method:
> @Test
> public void testGetDocumentDetails() {
> RestUriBuilder builder = new
> RestUriBuilder(System.getProperty(IntgConstants.INTG_BASE_URL) +
> RestConstants.REST_PATH, "/documents/adddocument");
> byte[] data = "hello world".getBytes();
> UCRDocument doc = new UCRDocument();
> doc.setFileName("Name");
> doc.setCreationDate(new Date());
> doc.setAtRootLevel(true);
> doc.setFileSize(data.length);
> doc.setMimeType("text/plain");
> doc.setTitle("Title");
> FormDataMultiPart multiPart = new FormDataMultiPart();
> multiPart.bodyPart(new BodyPart(doc,
> multiPart.bodyPart(new BodyPart(data,
> UCRDocument returnedDocument =
> HttpUtils.doMultiPartPost(builder.buildUri(), m_sessionId, multiPart,
> new TypeReference<UCRDocument>(){});
> RestUriBuilder getDetailsBuilder = new
> RestUriBuilder(System.getProperty(IntgConstants.INTG_BASE_URL) +
> RestConstants.REST_PATH, "/documents/getdocumentdetails");
> UCRDocument content =
> HttpUtils.doPost(getDetailsBuilder.buildUri(), m_sessionId,
> returnedDocument, new TypeReference<UCRDocument>(){});
> Assert.assertEquals(data.length,
> content.getFileSize());
> }
> The HTTP Post:
> public static <T> T doMultiPartPost(String url, String sessionId,
> FormDataMultiPart obj, TypeReference<T> ref) {
> HttpUriRequest postObject = getMultiPartPost(url, sessionId,
> obj);
> String jsonResponse = execute(postObject);
> return IntgUtils.convertJsonToObject(jsonResponse, ref);
> }
> public static HttpPost getMultiPartPost(String url, String
> sessionId, FormDataMultiPart obj){
> HttpPost post = getPost(url, sessionId);
> post.setHeader(HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE,
> MultipartEntity entity = new
> MultipartEntity(HttpMultipartMode.BROWSER_COMPATIBLE);
> List<BodyPart> parts = obj.getBodyParts();
> UCRDocument doc = (UCRDocument) parts.get(0).getEntity();
> String objectAsJson = IntgUtils.convertObjectToJson(doc);
> try {
> entity.addPart("UCRDocument", new
> StringBody(objectAsJson));
> } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
> e.printStackTrace();
> }
> entity.addPart("Bytes", new ByteArrayBody( (byte[])
> parts.get(1).getEntity(), "File"));
> post.setEntity(entity);
> return post;
> }
> The server resource:
> @Path("adddocument")
> @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)
> @Consumes(MediaType.MULTIPART_FORM_DATA)
> public UCRDocument addDocument(FormDataMultiPart multipart) throws
> Exception {
> UniversalContentRepository repo =
> m_connectionFactory.getRepository();
> UCRSession ucrSession =
> m_session.getSessionProperty(Session.DOCUMENTS_OBJECTS,
> UCRSession.class);
> repo.init(ucrSession); // this is suspect -- it would seem we
> need a
> // repo per user, or do locking
> UCRDocument document =
> multipart.getBodyParts().get(0).getEntityAs(UCRDocument.class);
> byte[] data =
> multipart.getBodyParts().get(1).getEntityAs(byte[].class);
> return repo.addDocument(ucrSession, document, data,
> Calendar.getInstance());
> }
> Hope the formatting is ok.
> Thanks for any help.
> --Dave