On Thu, Jun 28, 2012 at 1:33 PM, suchitha koneru <suchi.koneru_at_gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks Tatu for the suggestion. I followed your advice and tried using the
> jackson's object mapper explicitly to deserialize the json String , outside
> of jersey
> The following is the json string
And the problem is here:
> {"code":"BN2","name":"proctor and gamble","description":"PG retailer
> record","retailerGroup":null,"supportedCurrencies":[],"retailerCountries":[{"country":
where value is a JSON array. But SupportedCurrencies is a POJO, and
thus must have something of form:
{ "currency": [ ... ] }
so whatever is producing incoming JSON is producing incompatible JSON.
-+ Tatu +-