[Jersey] Resource bundles (JAX-RS + OSGi?)

From: Martynas Jusevi?ius <>
Date: Thu, 21 Jun 2012 15:44:19 +0300

Hey list,

say my JAX-RS Application needs to load a package containing several
JAX-RS Resource classes (annotated with @Path @GET etc.), and some
static resources from the webapp/ folder like XSLT files.

Of course this could be packaged and deployed as a standalone .war,
but I would rather have it running "within the sandbox" of my webapp,
and providing easy mechanisms for loading those bundled Resource
classes dynamically, as well as accessing the static resources
(similarly to ServletContext.getResource()).

What is the best approach here? Is this what OSGi bundles and .wab are about?
If that is the case, can someone show me a minimal HelloWorld example
with JAX-RS + Jersey + OSGi? Is it possible to do with Jersey (and
Tomcat) only, or do I need Apache Felix or similar packages? What I do
*not* need is involving even more EE packages and frameworks and crap
like that.
