[Jersey] need some guidance on _at_ApplicationPath and url-pattern in web.xml

From: Jim the Standing Bear <>
Date: Tue, 3 Apr 2012 17:09:06 -0400


I need some help on sorting out @ApplicationPath and <url-pattern> in web.xml

I have been working on a jersey application. Initially, I set
@ApplicationPath("/") and I override the getClasses() method in the
application to tell it what resources are available. I also have a
web.xml, and in it, I define


the package is named mywar.war, and I was able to access it using the
following URL without any problems


But now, we are adding a servlet filter to this RESTful application,
and another RESTful application to the same tomcat container, so I am
trying to distinguish the two application by not using just "/" and
"/*", and instead, trying to give them more specific path segments
such as @ApplicationPath("/mine") and
<url-pattern>/mine</url-pattern>. But as soon as I did that, I am not
able to figure out the correct URL to access my RESTful application
any more.

I thought it would be http://localhost:8080/mine/mywar/resource1 but
it gave me 404.

I even tried to omit @ApplicationPath, but to no avail.

So what would be the correct configuration for my application in terms
of ApplicationPath and <url-pattern> (leave one out? keep both the
same? I tried all but none seemed to work), and what would the
correct URL be? Please help! Thanks.

- S.