[Jersey] jersey-test-framework some kind of dependency with commons-beanutils

From: Marc Fernandez <>
Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2012 19:41:30 +0000

Hi team,

Please see this strange issue.
I prepared a simple maven project with a test.
I have been able to locate the issue, but not able to find the actual maybe
bug inside of jersey-test-framework.
By changing the order of dependencies the test works or not. See the
pom.xml comments.

The dependencies in pom are as follows:

<!-- With dependency before is working fine. Uncomment this dependency for
        </dependency> -->


        <!-- With dependency after is not working. Comment this dependency
for testing. -->

Any idea about what could be the issue? For now it works just placing the
dependencies in the right order, but I think it must be a better solution
to solve this strange issue. I think there is some kind of hidden
dependency. Maybe a Maven or Jersey bug, I am not sure.

Thanks guys, good luck, have fun with this one. ;-)