Simple answer:
JAX-RS (JSR 311) is an official Java EE6 API specification.
And Jersey is the reference implementation for JAX-RS.
Obviously, there are further JAX-RS implementations, e.g. RESTEasy or
Apache CXF.
Hope this helps.
Am 2012 3 19 17:59 schrieb "Rajesh Khan" <>:
> I am a bit confused regarding the theory of jersey , may be you folks can
> help me out.
> I read that all the annotations that we use such as @Path,_at_GET,_at_PUT..etc
> are actually provided by the JAX-RS . So where does jersey come in ?? What
> does jersey actually help us accomplish in a REST webservice . I am having
> trouble fitting jersey in the picture when every API that we use is
> provided by JAX-RS. Since I am comparitively new I was hoping to get some
> simple answers on where Jersey actually fits in and what its jar files
> actually provide ... Thanks..