Good to hear. Have you looked into Mavenizing your projects (like the
Jersey samples) -- that way you won't have to worry nearly as much about
missing JARs. The Maven samples don't need to mention individual
dependencies because they are defined in the contract (the pom.xml) and
viewable via mvn dependency:list or mvn dependency:tree.
On 02/15/2012 05:29 AM, Sven Strittmatter wrote:
> Hey Glen,
> I got it! I got it!
> In an other thread here "Class loading issues with Jersey 1.11 or 1.8
> and Spring 3.05 or 3.1.0 (SpringServlet and javax/ws/rs/Path, get,
> etc)" I saw that someone uses these jars:
> jersey-core-1.11
> jersey-json-1.11
> jersey-server-1.11
> jersey-servlet-1.11
> The last one jersey-servlet-1.11 I saw the first time and i tried
> adding it to my POM. And guess what: Works. The missed class
> com.sun.jersey.spi.container.servlet.ServletContainer is in this jar
> file.
> Sad that no example about jersey I found in the web does not mention
> this dependency. And also sad that Netbeans didn't suggested this
> artefactId jersey-servlet when I invoked code completion in the pom.xml.
> -Sven
Glen Mazza
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