[Jersey] Jersey - how to list EJB resource classes through their JNDI name in the Application class?

From: daudiam <>
Date: Tue, 14 Feb 2012 06:46:21 -0800 (PST)

In *JAX-RS*, we are required to write a class (say *MyApplication*) that
implements *Application* and provides a list of our resource classes (with
*_at_Path* annotation). If my resource class is an *EJB* and packed inside a
jar, I would have to access it through its *JNDI* name, like we do in
*RESTEasy* through the *resteasy.jndi.resources* context-param. What name
should I mention this EJB with, in MyApplication, so that Jersey can
recognize it and treat it as a resource class.

*Note that I will be having the MyApplication class, web.xml, etc in a war,
and the EJB classes in a separate jar, both of them being inside an ear file

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