[Jersey] Re: Question about types

From: András Csányi <>
Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2012 11:15:26 +0100

On 11 January 2012 02:22, John Yeary <> wrote:
> Hello András,
> I have examples on my blog as well as, links to some articles.
> The examples have various examples of using JSON, and JSONP including with a database with JPA.
> Your question is fairly general, but I think that you should be able to handle it fairly easily if you have the entities in a library jar
> which can be shared between the server and client. The site has good documentation. I would also suggest
> downloading the source code, which includes a number of examples, and contributed examples.
> John

Hi John,

Thank you for your answer! I'm reading the different documentation and
I have a notion about my issue. I have to create a class to wrap my
datatype, do I understand correctly?
I've read that there is not possible to use generic type in this case.
I mean, for example List<EntityDTO>.class, to set up in in response.
So, I think that I create an object called
RESTEntityResponse and this class will contain my desired
List<EntityDTO>. Is it correct by this way?

By the way, my EntityDTO are shared in a particular library between
server and client.

Thanks in advance!


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--  Csanyi Andras (Sayusi Ando)  -- --
--  ""Trust in God and keep your gunpowder dry!" - Cromwell