[Jersey] Re: docroot when using Grizzly2 server and ServletHandler

From: Farrukh Najmi <>
Date: Mon, 09 Jan 2012 12:57:57 -0500

Hi Alexey,

I think we are getting closer to resolving this.

I now use the following code to add the StaticHttpHandler to my

             ServerConfiguration serverConfiguration =
             String cwd = System.getProperty("user.dir");
             String docRootFolder = cwd + "/target/classes/webapp";
StaticHttpHandler(docRootFolder), servletHandler.getContextPath() +

The servletHandler.getContextPath() value is "/myserver/rest".

If I comment out the last line of code above then the following URLs to
my jersey REST endpoint work fine:


But if I uncomment it then the same query returns a 404 as does the
following GET request for the static resource readme.txt


Does it seem like I am doing everything as you would expect? Is there
anything else to try before creating a standalone test case (a lot of
work) and filing an issue?
Can any one tell me if they have gottent Grizzly2 server to serve both
dynamic resource from a jersey endpoint as well as static resources
using com.sun.jersey.spi.spring.container.servlet.SpringServlet which is
what I am using.

Thanks again for your help.

On 01/09/2012 12:29 PM, Oleksiy Stashok wrote:
> Hi Farrukh,
> Servlet and Static Handlers should be registered in Grizzly with
> proper mapping, and most probably there is an issue.
> If you register ServletHandler with some URI, say "/myservlet" - then
> try to register static handler with "/myservlet/static" URI. In this
> case all the requests to "/myservlet/static/..." will be redirected to
> StaticHandler and other requests to "/myservlet/..." will be
> redirected to ServletHandler.
> Thanks.
> WBR,
> Alexey.
> PS: you can create an issue and attach the testcase to it.
> On 01/09/2012 06:09 PM, Farrukh Najmi wrote:
>> Hi Alexey,
>> Thank you for offering to help. Before I do the fair amount of work
>> to create a standalone test case I thought to share observations
>> below in case it helps identify my problem:
>> * If I do not call "serverConfiguration.addHttpHandler" on my
>> HttpServer's configuration then I can get dynamic resources
>> served by my jersey rest endpoint. This is the base line that
>> has worked for a long time before I had need for static
>> resources to be served by same servlet as jersey endpoint
>> * If I call "serverConfiguration.addHttpHandler" on my HttpServer
>> then:
>> o If I specify a context path for the StaticHttpHandler
>> that is different from the context path for the
>> ServletHandler for the SpringServlet for my jersey rest
>> endpoint then I am able to get static resources served by
>> the StaticHttpHandler. However, then I am no longer able
>> to get dynamic resources served by my jersey rest endpoint.
>> o If I specify a context path for the StaticHttpHandler
>> that is same as the context path for the ServletHandler
>> for the SpringServlet for my jersey rest endpoint then I
>> am not able to get static resources served by the
>> StaticHttpHandler nor am I able to get dynamic resources
>> served by my jersey rest endpoint.
>> See code fragment in my previous email for reference. It seems that
>> if I include it my email gets tagged as spam.
>> Can you give me a rough sketch of how I create my HttpServer such that:
>> * The Grizzly2 server serves static resources (in my case
>> javascript files) from some context path from my servlet
>> * The Grizzly2 server serves dynamic HTML resources from my
>> jersey rest endpoint that references the static javascript
>> resources within <script> tags
>> * The reference to static resources is relative to the dynamic
>> resources rather than absolute
>> Thanks for your help.

Farrukh Najmi