[Jersey] Re: Putting simple web interface to jersey REST endpoint

From: Farrukh Najmi <>
Date: Mon, 19 Dec 2011 09:13:16 -0500

Hi ManiKanta,

Thank you for introducing me to the Viewable
class in jersey. It will be useful in my solution. However, your post
does not seem to address the need I have as follows:

    * Keep a single set of resource methods that return XML response
    * Allow XML response to be algorithmically mapped to HTML using some
      custom mapping class(es)

I had mentioned that my current resource methods somehow support
"application/json" automatically using the
com.sun.jersey:jersey-json:jar:1.10:compile dependency even though the
method just returns an XML response. Clearly the jersey-json adds
support for marshalling/unmarshalling json from XML. I want to do
similar by marshalling responses to HTML.

I am just not familiar enough with jersey API and framework as to how to
do that. Given more time I will figure it out but I was hoping that
someone could provide high level steps of how to do that. Thank in advance.

On 12/19/2011 02:02 AM, ManiKanta G wrote:
> you could do that using Viewable
> <> we
> are serving the html response for html mime type by having a generic
> resource method in super class
> see
> ManiKanta G
> <>
> On Sat, Dec 17, 2011 at 11:39 PM, Farrukh Najmi
> < <>>
> wrote:
> Hi Guys,
> My jersey based REST endpoint serves resources in their native XML
> format when default or in JSON format when application/json
> mediatype is specified. Things are working pretty well.
> I would like to add a simple Web interface for human access to my
> REST endpoint and was thinking that I could add support for
> mediatype text/html in my endpoints resource methods via @Produces.
> What I am not sure of what is the best way to do this in jersey.
> Jersey support JSON format without any help from my code so I
> assume there is a global filter somewhere to transform XML to
> JSON. I am looking to do similar with HTML. Thanks for any
> guidance on this.

Farrukh Najmi