[Jersey] Re: Jersey client in Applets

From: António Mota <>
Date: Fri, 2 Dec 2011 13:33:06 +0000

Hi again.

I was running this without major problems, until I finally got
everything OK running locally from the AppletViwer in Eclipse.
However, when I deploy on my Tomcat server, I end up with the
following error:

java.lang.ClassFormatError: Incompatible magic value 168430140 in
class file com/sun/jersey/api/json/JSONJAXBContext

I know what the magic number is, but this class is on the
jersey-json-1.10.jar that is, I guess, compiled with Java 1.6x, the
jar is loaded by the applet as I can see in the Java Console, is
signed with the same signature as all other jars in my app, and is
declared on the "archive=" of my applet.

Before the error there is indeed a warning saying the app contains
mixed sign and non signed jar, which I don't understand because I
triple checked the signatures, so maybe the classloader is not getting
the jersey-json-1.10.jar I think it should be? I only have 2 jars,
one in my applet lib and other in the tomcat lib, and both are

What other cases can provoke the Magic Number error?


2011/11/9 António Mota <>
> Hi Guys:
> After some time using a old, customized version of Jersey, we finally upgraded to the last version, and now I'm investigating the use of the jersey client.
> My intention at the moment is to investigate its use from inside a java Applet, and I didn't found any info related.
> I suppose it will not be too much different than from inside a rich client, but I have no experience with that either, so I can't tell for sure.
> Bottom line, if someone has some initial points for me it will be great.
> Thanks in advance.
> Cheers.
> Melhores cumprimentos / Beir beannacht / Best regards
> ______________________________________________________
> António Manuel dos Santos Mota
> ______________________________________________________