[Jersey] Re: How to reduce Jersey-Client footprint

From: Pavel Bucek <>
Date: Wed, 07 Dec 2011 09:32:46 +0100


100 MB? That definitely doesn't sound right, Jersey client dependencies
shouldn't have more than 3MB in total.. depends on what do you need, but
in most common cases it should work with jersey-client and jersey-core.
You might want to add jersey-json and jackson libs if you are processing
json, but even that is maybe like ~5MB ..

Can you post list of your dependencies? (mvn dependency:tree)


On 12/6/11 7:03 PM, António Mota wrote:
> Hi again.
> Now my applet using the Jersey-Client is working quite well, however
> with all the Jar dependencies is now above 100Mb... Is there a way to
> reduce this size, besides removing the jars one by one and see if it
> works?
> Cheers.
> */
> /*