[Jersey] Marshall Exception with linked JAXB exception when sending a map with a list

From: <>
Date: Thu, 13 Oct 2011 14:50:12 +0000 (GMT)

Thanks Jakub,
       I am working on getting a test case finished and ready. Should
be done soon. Also I don't know if helps, but I am only having this
problem when I try and do a PUT request and send my Map<Object,
Map<..,..>> to the server. If I do a straight GET request or a PUT that
returns a Map<Object, Map<..,...>> then everything works fine.

    As a side question, is there a way to force Jersey to send an
object as JSON. I know you can
(WebApplication).accept("application/json") to accept JSON but what
happens when I want to send JSON?

    Again I expect to have the test case working and up today.